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會議名稱:91APP*-KY(6741) 受邀參加元富證券10月台股企業日

1. Date of institutional investor conference: 2021/10/21
2. Time of institutional investor conference: 3:45 p.m. (Taiwan time)
3. Location of institutional investor conference:online conference
4. Outline of institutional investor conference: The Company will attend MasterLink Securities’ online investor conference, ”MasterLink Securities October Corporate Day”, to announce the Company’s financial result and business performance.

會議名稱:91APP*-KY(6741) 受邀參加臺灣證券交易所及寬量國際共同主辦之線上法說會「10th Taiwan CEOWeek on Air」

1. Date of institutional investor conference:2021/10/12
2. Time of institutional investor conference:10:30 a.m.(Taiwan time)
3. Location of institutional investor conference:online conference
4. Outline of institutional investor conference: The Company will attend Taipei Exchange and QIC’s online investor conference,”10th Taiwan CEO Week on Air”, to announce the Company’s financial results and business performance.

會議名稱:91APP*-KY(6741) 受邀參加 Taipei Exchange 及 ICA Research(Asia) 共同舉辦之 Taiwan Stock Market Discovery Forum
會議說明 : 說明本公司財務及營運概況等相關資訊。

1. Date of institutional investor conference: 2021/09/01~2021/09/03
2. Time of institutional investor conference: 11:00 a.m. (Taiwan time)
3. Location of institutional investor conference: online conference
4. Outline of institutional investor conference: The Company will attend Taipei Exchange and ICA Research(Asia)’s online investor conference,”Taiwan Stock Market Discovery Forum”, to announce the Company’s financial results and business performance.

會議名稱:91APP*-KY(6741) 受邀參加 J.P. Morgan 舉辦之 Asia e-commerce Tour
會議說明 : 說明本公司財務及營運概況等相關資訊。

1. Date of institutional investor conference: 2021/08/24
2. Time of institutional investor conference: 3:00 p.m.(Taiwan time)
3. Location of institutional investor conference: online conference
4. Outline of institutional investor conference: The Company will attend J.P. Morgan’s online investor conference, ”Asia e-commerce Tour”, to announce the Company’s financial results and business performance.

會議名稱:91APP*-KY(6741) 2021Q2 線上法人說明會
會議時間:2021年08月20日 2:00 PM(台北時間)
會議說明 : 公司財務及營運概況說明
會議資料 : 影片連結簡報內容 

The Company had held the online investor’s conference at 2 PM, Aug.20, 2021, Taipei Time.
Outline of investor’s conference: Announcement of financial results and business performance.

會議名稱:91APP-KY(6741) 上櫃前業績發表會
會議說明 : 本次業績發表會將由本公司經營團隊說明產業發展、財務業務狀況、未來風險、公司治理及企業社會責任、有價證券上櫃審議委員會詢問重點暨本中心要求於公開說明書及評估報告補充揭露事項。
會議資料 : 影片連結簡報內容