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91APP has achieved a notable “cloud listing” on the Taipei Exchange, marking several significant milestones in Taiwan’s capital market. The company became Taiwan’s first cloud-listed firm, conducting its IPO ceremony entirely online due to COVID-19 restrictions, and accomplished this transition in just ten days, demonstrating remarkable agility. Chairman Steven Ho emphasized the importance of this digital milestone, noting it as the first retail technology company focused on OMO (Online-Merge-Offline/Offline-Merge-Online/Online and Offline Merge Together) and the first SaaS company to list in Taiwan. In response to the pandemic, 91APP swiftly developed a Covid-19 Business Toolkit for retail clients. With substantial financial performance and backing from prominent investors like Daniel Tsai, 91APP aspires to become an industry leader, paving the way and inspiring more SaaS providers to enter the capital market.

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Source: This summary is based on an article from Global Views Monthly, titled “台灣首家雲端掛牌!91APP如何在10天內創下三個「第一」?” (translated as “Taiwan’s First Cloud Listing Company! How Did 91APP Achieve Three ‘Firsts’ in 10 Days?”), published on April 28, 2021.