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91APP is undertaking a significant recruitment drive following its recent IPO. 91APP, Taiwan’s first listed SaaS company, offers competitive salaries of up to NT$2 million annually and states there’s no limit to high-level talent recruitment. Known for its OMO (Online-Merge- Offline/Offline-Merge-Online/Online and Offline Merge Together) retail solutions, 91APP seeks diverse roles, including product managers, engineers, and growth hackers. Chairman Steven Ho likens 91APP to a “Formosan Black Bear,” emphasizing its local roots and global ambitions. 91APP’s OMO solutions have proven crucial during the pandemic, enabling retailers to maintain operations. With plans for further expansion, 91APP is actively seeking international talent. The company offers competitive compensation to attract top talent and aims to become “Taiwan’s Software Sacred Mountain of Protection,” akin to TSMC in semiconductors.

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Source: This summary is based on an article from Business Next, titled “年薪上看200萬!91APP大舉徵才,喊出:高階人才需求無上限” (translated as “Annual Salary Up to NT$2 Million! 91APP Launches Major Recruitment Drive, Declares: No Limit on Demand for High-Level Talent”), published on July 14, 2021.