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Steven Ho, the founder of 91APP, has achieved remarkable success in the e-Commerce industry over his 23-year entrepreneurial journey. His three successful ventures align with major e-Commerce trends: his first company “Ubid” targeted C2C and was sold to eBay; his second “Monday Tech” followed a B2C model and was acquired by Yahoo, and now 91APP is pioneering the OMO (Online-Merge-Offline/Offline-Merge-Online/Online and Offline Merge Together) model. As 91APP prepares for its IPO, investors view it as an undervalued unicorn with significant growth potential. Ho envisions OMO dominating retail by 2030, positioning 91APP for potential 100-fold growth in the next decade. Known for his ability to anticipate and capitalize on e-Commerce trends, Ho emphasizes continuous learning and focuses on integrating online and offline retail experiences.

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Source: This summary is based on an article from Business Today, titled “精準抓3波電商趨勢浪潮!電商教父何英圻揭密” (translated as “Mastering Three E-Commerce Trends! Insights from E-Commerce Pioneer Steven Ho”), published on April 28, 2021.